Hope you enjoy this delightful Berry Chia Jam with no processed sugar. I am on my third week of making this and I just cannot believe how nutritious and healthy this one is. I have made it with blue berries, strawberries, raspberries and a fruit medley of all. Every time I make it, I seem to enjoy it even more. You can add it to your oatmeal, or have it with your peanut butter sandwich. Oh, how about ice cream? I know, I am so ridiculous.

No matter what you eat it with don’t forget to enjoy that occasional spoonful. It’s a two-step process. Step one, get a spoonful (spoon that fits your mouth, of course). Step two, glide it in your mouth with your eyes closed (let your senses do the job.) If you come back for seconds, who am I to judge!


• Frozen or fresh berries — 2 cups (16 ounces)
• Chia seeds — 2 tablespoons
• Juice of a half lemon — 1 to 2 teaspoons
• Honey — 3 to 4 tablespoons, depending on how tart the berries are.


1. Add the berries to a saucepan and turn the flame to a medium.
2. Wait until the berries thaw or turn into a compote (mushy paste) while stirring it occasionally. When you push the berries against the pan with the back of your spoon or spatula, it should just mash up nice and easy. If the berries are sticking to the bottom of the pan,turn the flame to a low and continue to cook on low.
3. Add the honey and lemon juice.
4. Turn off the flame, finally add the chia seeds. It should take about 20 to 30 minutes for the chia seeds to hydrate and plump up. In doing so the chia seed will turn the berry compote into a jam like texture.


• Honey: Knowing the origin of the honey you are using is very important. Always read the label of the product before buying. Honey should only have honey as its ingredient. Locally produced should be your first preference. If you cannot find a local producer then find something that is domestically produced, meaning it was produced in the country you reside.